Chronicles of China

September 6, 2014

I’ll start by saying I’m not much of a blogger. I don’t sit around and chronicle my life, I merely live it and build memories. I tend to take a few pictures of places I go. It’s more about the experience for me. Thus, bear with me as I try to change that pattern and chronicle this momentous occasion of traveling to China to teach women sexual health and empowerment.

I left New York City on September 5 at 11:15am and flew to Guangzhou. I was thrilled by the fact that I’m flying business class. I actually got one of those chairs that turns into a bed. It was so comfortable. I felt so refreshed by the time I arrived Guangzhou despite it being a 15-hour flight. Plus, I did a lot of work while on the plane as well. I loved that they provided you with little slippers to use while on the plane and a very warm blanket and soft pillow. There were also bags for my shoes, a shoe horn (which I’ve been looking for for months) and toiletries such as toothbrush & toothpaste, a comb, and moisturizer. Plus, the steward came by often to ensure I was doing well. If you can afford it or have your boss pay for it, definitely fly business. If you’re this pampered in business, imagine what First Class would be like!

I continued my trip from Guangzhou to Beijing as I’m heading to see the Forbidden City and then the Great Wall as a small vacation treat for myself in reward for putting on the BDSM Writers Con in August, before I head back to Guangzhou and conduct a few workshops. Tracy, one of the ladies I’m working with, provided me with a personal driver. Unfortunately my interpreter isn’t available until Tuesday (it’s Sunday) so Mr. Chen and I have been smiling and pointing and trying to communicate as best we can. (I’m only on lesson 12 in Chinese. Smiles.)

Today and tomorrow is a Harvest Festival in Beijing and thus everything will be crowded but that’s ok, we’re going to do some of less touristy things and start with the Great Wall in Mu Tian Yu. (Which was on my list to see.) Afterward, we’ll head to the Lama Temple which is where they have the Love Buddha –ok, you know I had to go see that. And we’ll end the day at the Confucius Temple or go to the Silk Alley Shops. Not sure which. I’m not much for “shopping”. I love architecture and history. Will ensure to take lots of pictures.

Oh before I forget, here’s some quaint stuff about the differences in China. When you enter your hotel room, you have to place the electronic key in the slot on the wall. If not, the lights will not work. When you leave, you take the key with you—otherwise you won’t be able to get back in your room. Chuckles. The toilets are low flushing unless you hold them down for a while. And of course you must remember to get a plug adapter if you wish to charge your computer…I remembered the adapter for the IPhone, I didn’t remember one for the computer. Also, you have to get used to the internet delays. It’s very slow here. It’s like having dial up. So you want to have everything typed beforehand so you can upload quickly.

Well, my driver will be here in about 5-minutes so I’m writing this quickly. The day is overcast and foggy which will make for a wonderful view of the Great Wall in Mu Tian Yu as that’s up in the mountains and unlike the Great Wall closer to Beijing, this one has an older more quaint atmosphere I’m told. I will definitely take pictures.

More soon.

Live with passion,

Doctor Charley…


Chronicles of China — 5 Comments

  1. So wonderful you will be sharing your trip adventures with us. Glad to hear you will have a chance to relax and see some of the sights before you go to work. Enjoy your time and stay safe. I look forward to reading more about your adventures in China! Take care.

    • Hi Ronna,

      Great to hear from you. Hope you’re enjoying the pictures of the trip as well. These were on my IPhone. I have more on my new camera. Even a video but haven’t figured out how to transfer them to my computer yet. I’ll add that to my list of “to-do’s” chuckles.

      Today am off to the Lama Temple and Confucius Temple. So many beautiful sights to see. It’s amazing what crops up while we’re driving. I wish we could just stop and take pictures constantly. smiles.

      Live with passion,

      Doctor Charley…

  2. What an exciting journey you’re embarking on! Wish I could go with you. For someone who doesn’t like to blog, you certainly are doing a great job of telling us what it’s like. I look forward to more posts. Have a safe and wonderful trip. I can’t think of anyone better than you, Dr. Charley, to educate the people of China about our kinky lifestyle.

    • Cris,

      Thank you for your compliment. I am really enjoying myself thus far. The Great Wall at Mutianyu was magnificent. I’ll try to post daily as the internet allows. And hopefully the pictures will be easier to load. Took me almost 2-hours to do so. More soon.

      Live with passion,

      Doctor Charley…

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